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Green Bay Packaging Wins 2019 十大菠菜软件 Sustainability Award for Water

CONTACT: Katharine Eaton
(202) 463-2436,

Recognized for 绿湾工厂的减水成就 

WASHINGTON – The American Forest & Paper Association (十大菠菜软件绿湾包装公司获得2019年AF奖&PA Leadership in 表彰他们在绿湾工厂的节水成就. The award was presented at 十大菠菜软件’s annual meeting on Friday, Nov. 8 in Bluffton, South Carolina.

“By maximizing water reuse and recycling, 绿湾包装最大限度地减少了每吨纸张生产的环境足迹, 作为一个负责任的水资源管理者,优化了能源节约并使他们的社区受益,” said 十大菠菜软件 President and CEO Heidi Brock.

绿湾包装公司在绿湾100%回收纸板和中型工厂, Wisconsin initiated water reuse practices, equipment investments, 技术安装和化学变化导致了水的效率和减少. Between 2005 and 2018, 该工厂实现了总用水量减少15%,每吨纸生产用水量减少18%, while increasing production by 10 percent. 改善水的再利用和再循环也减少了能源使用和相关的温室气体排放, 为社会节约资源.

“We thank 十大菠菜软件表彰电子竞技赌注的软件的节水计划,绿湾包装公司总裁兼首席执行官威廉·克雷斯说. “可持续发展是电子竞技赌注的软件在绿湾工厂继续努力追求卓越运营的关键.”

The 2019 十大菠菜软件 Sustainability Award winners were selected by a judging panel of sustainability experts from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University; GreenBlue; Quad Packaging; Two Sides; and the U.S. Department of Energy.


项目支持的进展 Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 可持续发展目标有资格获得“领导力”类别的认可, 它有五个与目标相对应的子类别:能源效率/减少温室气体, Paper Recovery for Recycling, Safety, Sustainable Forest Management and Water. “可持续发展创新奖”专为那些对可持续商业实践做出贡献的项目而设, not one of the goals specifically.

AF&美国环保局发布的2018年可持续发展报告显示.S. pulp, paper, packaging, 纸巾和木制品制造业取得了重大成就, measurable progress toward achieving its Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability goals. For more information, visit


Editor’s Note: Click here 检索获奖者的照片(包括文字说明).


About Green Bay Packaging

Founded in 1933, Green Bay Packaging Inc. is a privately owned, 垂直一体化公司由瓦楞集装箱厂组成, folding cartons, recycled and virgin linerboard mills, pressure-sensitive label rollstock, specialty converting operations, timberlands, and a sawmill facility. Headquartered in Green Bay, Wis., Green Bay Packaging Inc. 在14个州经营32家工厂,每个工厂都致力于产品和林业资源的创新开发, with a focus on quality, sustainability, and continuous improvement. 有关绿湾包装公司的更多信息., visit

The American Forest & Paper Association (十大菠菜软件) serves to advance U.S. 纸张和木制品制造商通过基于事实的公共政策和市场倡导. 林产品工业本质上是循环的. 十大菠菜软件成员公司利用可再生和可回收的资源生产基本产品, 生产可再生生物能源,并致力于通过行业的可持续发展倡议不断改进更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. manufacturing GDP, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000 people. 该行业每年的工资总额约为650亿美元,是43个州十大制造业雇主之一. Visit 十大菠菜软件 online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper